“Do you want a cheeseburger,
Michael?” Annie asked. “Or something else. They have chicken.”
A blank stare was her only
“Michael?” She spoke louder.
His eyes seemed to focus on
“Do you want a cheeseburger?”
“I like McDonalds,” he said.
“You’re in luck. That’s where we are.” As soon as they got into his car, Jake had
assured Annie that he still intended to pay for the expanded party. When William asked to go to the inexpensive
fast food place, Annie readily agreed. Few
people would call it romantic. She
ordered for herself and Michael and the four of them soon sat down with a tray
of food.
Jake turned to William, who was
sitting next to him. “So,” he said, “you
were going to tell me about Annie dropping the lasagna.”
William began to chew faster so he
could talk.
“It’s not a story,” Annie said
first. “I dropped it. There was a huge mess. The end.”
“But it was funny,” William said,
still chewing.
“Because you didn’t have to clean
it up.”
“Neither did you. Mom did.”
“She made me help.” Jake was watching the two of them with
amusement and Annie realized that her kid brother was bringing out her juvenile
side. “Okay,” she said. “Tell the story.”
“Annie wanted to make this fancy
lasagna. It had, I don’t know, this
green stuff and a weird runny cheese and…”
William was waving a chicken nugget around and he set it back in the box
as he planned to talk awhile before getting another bite. “And she spent forever chopping things up and
making layers and then… there was this commotion. I came into the kitchen when Annie
screamed. Mom and Dad were arguing over
something and Michael was just standing in the corner yelling, ‘Hot, hot!’ Then I figured out that Mom and Dad were
trying to decide if any of the lasagna was still edible. The pan was upside down on the oven door and
white and red stuff was oozing out all around it. Annie was at the sink crying.”
“Did you burn yourself?” Jake interrupted
with a concerned expression.
“A little,” Annie said. “That’s what made me drop it. But the tears were just… It was nearly two
hours of work wasted.”
Jake nodded slowly. “When did this happen?”
“A long time ago,” William said.
Annie tried to remember. “I think I was fifteen.”
Jake must have decided that was
enough time for her to be over it. He
turned back to William. “Is your sister
still a terrible cook?”
A somewhat nasty grin popped up on
William’s face, mostly for Annie’s benefit.
Then he dropped it. “Not
really. I actually like it when Annie
cooks more than Mom most of the time.
She’s gotten better.”
Annie smiled at her brother to
acknowledge the compliment. Then she
noticed that Jake also seemed to approve.
She needed William to start listing her faults. She didn’t know how to do that without asking
straight out.
“Can I have your fries?” Michael was already reaching in front of
Annie as he spoke.
“I, uh, I guess.” Annie saw that Michael had already finished
every scrap of food she’d put in front of him.
It shouldn’t have surprised her.
He normally inhaled his food.
He tipped the box too far as he
took it and all the fries slid out onto the tray. “Ohhh.”
He stretched the word, clearly unsure how to handle the mistake.
“I got it.” Annie scooped the fries back into the box and
handed it to her brother. She left a few
on the tray for herself. Then she looked
across the table at Jake to see if he noticed her greediness.
He smiled and bumped his eyebrows
playfully before he took one of those fries for himself. He still had half of his fries left. The glance he sent Annie dared her to say
something before he looked at Michael. “What
can you tell me about Annie?” he
Michael turned to his sister.
Jake said, “Yes, that Annie.”
William snickered.
“She’s my sister,” Michael said.
“I know.” Jake looked between them. “You two look a bit alike.”
“I’m Michael.”
“I know. Your hair is the same shade of brown and your
noses are similar.”
“I’m Michael.”
Jake nodded and moved on. “What can you tell me about Annie?”
“Annie likes pink.”
“I do,” Annie said. “I have two brothers. I have to assert my girliness now and then.”
The interview continued. “What else does she like?”
William jumped in. “Not roller coasters! When we go to Cedar Point, she won’t ride
anything good. She likes…” He paused to insert a shudder. “…the carousel.”
Jake laughed.
Annie defended her choice. “Not the regular carousel. Cedar Downs.
The one with race horses.”
“I ride the horses.” Michael tipped his head dreamily. “I ride horses fast.”
“We ride that carousel a lot,”
Annie said. “There’s usually a short
William rolled his eyes. “I bet you don’t show your face next year.”
“Oh, they won’t recognize us or
“Wait, wait.” Jake waved his hand between them. “What happened?”
“Michael had a seizure. I kept him from falling off. But I had to carry him when we left the
ride. Someone said he fell and the
employees called someone. We spent two
hours at the first aid station convincing them that he wasn’t injured on the
ride. We had to wait for them to find
Mom and Dad to verify our story.”
William elbowed Jake. “The carousel is at least better than the
first aid station ride.”
“Yeah, do you…” Jake looked at Michael with equal parts
surprise and confusion. “Is he asleep?”
Annie gave Michael a nudge with her
arm. He was sleeping hard and gave no
sign that he’d felt the nudge. “The meds
make him drowsy,” she said. “Guess you’re
not going to get dirt on me from him.”
“No need,” Jake said. “William is helping.”
“Oh, yeah.” William’s eyes lit up. “I can tell you about the time Annie went to
school in costume… on the wrong day!”
Annie put her head in her hands and
groaned. She knew that story would come
up. Showing up for Oregon Trail day a
week early wasn’t just her most embarrassing moment of ninth grade but of her
entire life. Her mom had brought her a
change of clothes so she’d endured only two periods of snickering.
William relished telling the
story. He barely remembered it, and that
was evident in his questionable facts.
Annie let him talk because Jake seemed to know when he was exaggerating. William regaled them with a few other stories
before Jake shared some from his life. The
three of them were laughing after every last fry had been eaten.
Annie shook Michael awake when it
was time to leave. She was a bit
reluctant since she was enjoying herself.
She’d forgotten she was trying to make a poor impression on Jake. But she’d also forgotten it was supposed to
be a date. Hopefully, Jake had as well.