I’m still expecting to release the second book, The Art of Patience, in August. Does using the word “still” turn that into old news? Maybe. It feels like an announcement to me because I’ve had some doubts about meeting that goal. For now, let’s just say it’s good I haven’t said when in August. There’s probably enough wiggle room.
News coming my way, in several notices, is that FeedBurner will stop sending emails in July. Anyone signed up to receive my wonderful thoughts through that service will need to find another way to keep up. My blog is also posted at Goodreads so that is my suggestion. I also swapped out the subscription links on the sidebar to the other options offered by blogger.
The most exciting announcement, at least for me, is another award! The CMA Book Awards were posted this month. What Goes Around took 2nd place in Catholic Novels. There’s a good excuse to go back and reread that one. But it’s always best to start at the beginning of a series. Everything Old is #1 even if it didn’t win anything.